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Sizzling tales of adventure, danger, and love

Coming Soon



Fallen Warrior
Last Fallen Book!
July 27 2021

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Fallen Blame: A closer look
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Liam Fell from Heaven right into the the dark side of life. He partied, and enjoyed all there was to life. Then he was captured.


It changed his life, his mindset, and his needs. The only thing that kept him sane was Maegan. But, like the others in the Institute, she tortured him. Now that he's free in body, he's not free of mind. Because he can't get her out of his head. Especially when she blames him for a crime that he didn't commit.


Maegan hates who she has become. She hates what she's had to do to survive. And she hates that she left Liam in a lurch, but he did kill her father!


Now on the run, she has to rely on Liam to survive. They need each other.


If they are going to make it out alive, they need to work together, and work on their past. But that might not be enough while The Alliance is after them!

Dear Reader

I've always written because I enjoy it. I write because it seems impossible not to get the stories down on paper when they are stuck in my head, when the characters are screaming to be heard. But the idea that someone, somewhere, would read my work and be entertained... that is why I publish. To know that you laughed, maybe even cried, with my characters, that you couldn't wait to open the book again to see what happens next, that is everything to me!


So please consider reviewing, tweeting, or messaging me.

Let me know your favourite characters or parts! And share your thoughts with each other. That's how people find me, and how they find each other!

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