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About Layna

Canadian girl, living in her mind

I was always making up stories. From a young age I'd put on plays in the basement, and make my parents watch. I'd force friends to be in homemade movies. Usually involving a serial killer or a monster.
Then I got older and starting writing my thoughts down.

My first book was about an underage girl who has a fake ID to get into a bar... just to drink coffee. This 18 year old was homeless and the only two things on her mind were coffee, and the bartender..... Bubbles. Yes, his name was bubbles. He was a vampire. His brother Ecstasy, also a vampire kidnapped her and she developed feelings for him too. That's when she had to figure out who to be with.. oh, while realizing she has powers and having to save the world. It was NOT a good book, but I was 14, so...

Now I focus on slightly less cringy subject matter, and really try to put realism in the relationships, and personalities of my characters. They all have flaws, they all have differences, and their relationships are varied. I try to include different races, ethnicities, and sexualities. Because, lets face it... the world is vast, and the people in it so interesting. Just because there is a bit of magic in my books doesn't mean that the characters have to all the same! And that means, the plots are all different as well!

So that's me, Layna. The girl who lives in her mind.. and in Canada. A girl who loves coffee and vampires... but not in the same book! And someone who just needs to get her stories down on paper, because they are going on in my head either way! I'd love it if you took a dip in my books! Don't forget to let me know what you think. Seriously! I want to know everything that made you laugh, every character you want killed, and every kiss that made you need to read more!

Sincerely, Layna

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