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  • Writer's pictureLayna

Sophie's Heart-shaped mini-cakes

Sophie has many favourite recipies, but for Valentines day, who can say no to chocolate cake?

These are so pretty and cute, but of course Sin and Thane don't care about looks. They ate them in one bite!

She uses boxed cake, but here is a delicious cake recipe if you want to make it from scratch!

SINful chocolate cake!

-3 cup all purpose flour -1 1/2 tsp baking powder -1 tbsp baking soda -1 ½ cups cocoa powder -1 ½ tsp salt -3 cup sugar -4 large eggs

-1/2 cup veggie oil -1 ½ cup greek yogurt -1 tbsp vanilla extract -1 1/2 cups water

-1/2 cup cool espresso

1) in large bowl sift flour, baking powder baking soda, cocoa powder and salt 2) in separate bowl cream sugar and oil

3) add in other wet ingredients to creamed sugar 4) add in the dry ingredients slowly 5) put into 2 sheet pans , bake at 350f for 20 min (insert a toothpick, if it comes out clean it's done!) TIP- change water for any flavoured liquid ingredient if wanted, or add in extra ingredients at the end.

Once cool use a heartshaped cookie cutter to cut even number of hearts.

Put icing on the top of half the number of hearts. Place the second half number on top (like a sandwich) Drizzle with ganache.

Recipe found here

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